How to Make Wood Flooring Look New Again and Shine Naturally

Are you one of those homeowners who are proud to have wood flooring installed in your humble abode? Then, you might be looking for ways on how to make your wood flooring look new again and shine naturally. While it is true that wood flooring is sturdy and long-lasting, still, it will start to lose its luster if not well taken care of. The wooden floor can start to lose its shine when treated with tough chemical cleaners.
Every homeowner loves to see their floor shine. If you want to save money and avoid using chemicals in the process, here are some of the things to make your floor shine naturally. Imagine, these things are probably inside your home, so you can start the process as soon as you want to start the shining project.
Sweep and Vacuum Your Hardwood Floor Material First
Right after you remove the furniture and other things, the next thing to do is to sweep and vacuum the wood flooring. Make sure to get all the dirt through vacuuming and sweeping the wood floor. As much as possible, use a soft-bristle broom to avoid any scratch. After ensuring that all the grime, dust, and dirt are removed, you can now proceed to the shining process.
Make Your Best Wooden Floors Shine with These Ingredients
Water and Lemon Juice for floor restoration? Lemon juice is renowned as a perfect cleaning agent. All you need to do is to dilute the lemon juice with water, then use it as a floor shining agent. This solution will allow you to have a lemony scent and shiny floor without using any chemicals. However, you have to make sure to put enough amount of solution (slightly damp the cloth only) to avoid the swelling of your wooden floor and damaging the floor’s seal.
Tea for real wood flooring UK? Yes, you read it right. It might sound strange but tea can also help you protect your wood flooring. The acidity of tea is known to lift the dirt. How? You need to brew two tea bags in water. After a few minutes, you can use the solution as a cleaner. As much as possible, put enough amount of solution (slightly damp the cloth only) to avoid damaging the floor’s seal.
Water, Olive Oil, and White Vinegar for your floor parquet? You need to mix these three ingredients and you will surely accomplish a shiny floor. This solution is also renowned as a great way to restore the shine of your wooden floor. Moreover, the olive oil used in this mixture is the main ingredient in making the floor shine naturally and look brand new. But then again, you have to make sure to put enough amount of solution (slightly damp the cloth only) to avoid the swelling of your wooden floor and damage the floor’s seal.
Wooden Flooring Experts London Says…
If you are aiming to make your flooring shine naturally, you can use the ingredients mentioned above. These homemade floor polishes are not too complicated to make. Furthermore, these are also cheap and natural. But of course, you have to use everything in moderation. As much as possible, make sure to only damp (slightly) the cloth that you are going to use to avoid damaging the floor’s seal.
Wooden Flooring Experts Ltd. as Your Flooring Specialists
The things mentioned above are the cheapest ways on how to make your wood flooring look new again and shine naturally without using harsh chemicals. But if you want to make sure that your flooring is free from any damage and harm, don’t hesitate to consult professionals. We at Wooden Flooring Experts Ltd. are always ready to serve. We are not only known as the best London floor sanding company but also a great consultant when it comes to wooden flooring services. We will surely help you make your wood flooring shine naturally and bring back its original state.