Attention to the Warning Signs: Wooden Flooring Problems to Know

As a homeowner, what is the top reason for choosing wood flooring for your home? Is it because it looks more appealing compared to other options? Or maybe because of the ability to transform your space into something warm and spectacular? Whatever your reason is, you still made a great decision of choosing wood flooring for your space. While it is true that wood is a great option, it is also important to know the wooden flooring problems to avoid any accidents and troubles. So for you to be aware, we gathered some of the most common problems that you might encounter with wood flooring.
Gaps Are Signs of Bad Hardwood Floor Installation
One of the most common wooden flooring problems is the gaps. But you have to keep in mind that not all are considered flooring problems. Small separation between each board is fine, but a wide gap is a sign of bad floor installation. When there is an adjustment in relative humidity level, there is a higher chance that normal seasonal gaps will occur. When the humidity level drops especially when the heating season occurs, rest assured that gaps will be developed unless you will control the humidity level.
As a homeowner, you also need to be aware of abnormal gaps which are known as gaps that stay with seasonal change. Some of the most common causes of abnormal gaps are site-related gaps, manufacturing, and installation.
Floor Sanding London Experts Says Be Aware of Cupping
Another wooden flooring problem to take note of is cupping. This usually happens when the wood accumulates excess moisture. The stored moisture will then become inconsistent in the plank. This usually occurs when your flooring is set up over a wet subfloor. Furthermore, relative humidity can also be the reason why cupping happens.
Wear and Tear Are Common Floor Problems
The best thing about having a protective finish on your wood flooring is that it can protect the floor against any scratches and marks from your kids, pets, equipment, furniture, and other factors. However, in the long run, the protective finish will begin to fade. Once it wears off, rest assured that you will start to see the signs of wear and tear. Some of its signs are dents, marks, dings, and scratches.
The Floor Sanding Experts Says Be Mindful of Sanding Blemishes
Are you familiar with sanding blemishes? This problem usually occurs when you used to sand your flooring between coats of finish using worn sanding pads or abrasive screens. When you used worn sanding pads or abrasive screens between coats of finish, it will surely leave damage including spiderweb-like damage in the wood floor finish.
For Wood Flooring Maintenance Be Alert of Sun Fading
Sun fading is another wooden flooring problem to know since there are some types of wood that are considered photosensitive. This means that the wood can be affected by sunlight exposure. Sunlight exposure will bring discoloration and fading in the long run. Opting for a high-quality finish can help slow the fading process but if you really want to avoid it, installing blinds is a great move.
Wooden Floor Swelling and Crowning
Wood is renowned as a natural product and it has the ability to respond to any environmental changes even after it is fixed and installed as flooring. Once the moisture or humidity from the subfloor was absorbed by the floorboards, there is a higher chance that they will swell. If the floor swell, they will be pushed against each other, making the centers of the boards to crown.
Wooden Flooring Experts Says…
Wood flooring is indeed a great choice for giving your home a remarkable and timeless floor. However, just like other flooring options, it has limitations. That’s why it is important to know the wooden flooring problems mentioned above. But then again, all of these problems can be prevented once you opt for proper installation, wood flooring maintenance, and other factors.
If you need help with your flooring, don’t hesitate to give Wooden Flooring Experts Ltd. a call. We are not only known as the best floor sanding London company but also a provider of different wood flooring services.